The Story of The Hidden Rain Clan

Pain the only existing shinobi to posses the rinnegan the most powerful eye techinque  in the naruto universe. Pain as a child grew up in the middle of the second great shonobi war and experince countless deaths and murder, pain though all the blood shed come upon his own ideas of how to end wars and that was to become a God that no one could oppose. Pain created a goal to  extract the biju (tailed beast)from the shinobi's know as jinchuuriki, with the large amounts of chakara a tailed beast contains pain could create a justu that can obliterate a massive country in seconds. With this extraordinary  power he will form the five great shinobi nation into one country creating a utopia where there is no pain and suffering the very emotions he endure all his childhood.


        There is one major rule about the Hidden Rain Clan.  Once you join there is no turning back.  There is only that one chance to make the right descision.  As soon as you leave my clan .... there is no coming back. Why, because once you are a rougue ninja you can only be seen as an enemy in the hidden rain. So far 2 members have left the clan and have both went to a clan that we battle with. So if you guys want to join the Hidden Rain Clan then you must be dedicated with us.  We never stop trying, this is why are clan is the 3rd best clan in NTBB .       

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