Welcome  to the Hidden Rain website.  The Hidden Rain clan continues to grow more active and popular as days go on, The Hidden Rain is quickly making a name for itself  along  with all its members.  There  are a couple of  way's to make the Hidden Rain Clan, one, It is not beating me(GODLY X RAMP4GE), it  is  if  you have the  potential to be a great player. There are also a couple of way's to be kicked off the Hidden Rain Clan.  You must know when its appropriate to Talk Trash and when not to, also Clan discussions about Naruto Broken Bond player around the game remain CONFIDENTIAL clan topics. Another important rule is don't complain about spamming, if your opponent chooses to spam that just means that  he/she has to relay on spam to win, spaming  just like everything else in the game can be countered. The last important rule is being an inactive member meaning not taking part of tag matches, singles or discussion is a gurenteeed boot off  The Hidden Rain. These rules are very simple and if you can follow them then you guys might have a chance to be in The Hidden Rain Clan. To contact us you must contact TPH itachi or GODLY x RAMP4GE (the names are in the members list if I did not spell correctly. Are clan may not be consider the best, but with your help that feet can be reached.

This is a fight of TPH Itachi the Hidden Rain Co Leader fighting against a member from Team Ishimura NWH Lone Wolf G.(NWH rank is unknow??)  There are various fights of us and  if u want to see more just go to Youtube and search "TPH Naruto Vs NWH Lone Wolf G" Enjoy.

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